Aerosol extraction
Industrial exhaust equipment
Oil mist filtration
The occurrence of oil mist or aerosols in the workplace is unfortunately commonplace today. Today’s machine tools are equipped with high-speed spindles and high-pressure cooling, which creates a highly concentrated oil mist. These aerosols are very dangerous and therefore have a major impact on human health.
Another problem that these flying aerosols create is that they settle on all surfaces of the production hall and, unfortunately, also on the electronic parts of the machines, which naturally has a negative impact on the service life of these components. It also settles on floors, which are then slippery and there is a risk of slipping and injuring oneself.
To ensure safety in the workplace and to comply with legislation, we manufacture robust extraction equipment that meets today’s requirements. Equipment that has a long service life and almost zero maintenance. We have our equipment divided into two sections, where the first section is characterized by a smaller design and therefore the possibility to place the equipment on the machine and is therefore more economical for the customer and the second series, which is built for heavy processes where there is a very concentrated mist and also where for example 24/7 operation is required.
We create 3D visualizations of projects
ECOMIST series
The ECOMIST series is a high-performance extraction equipment with a large filter area, low noise, very high efficiency and low operating costs. This type of device is suitable for installation and mounting directly on the machine. In case it is not possible to install the equipment on the machine, we have telescopic stands available. The devices also have the option of remote control and monitoring.
Our smallest device with compact dimensions suitable for convenient placement anywhere on the machine. The flow rate is up to 500 m3/hr. The device is equipped with a HEPA filter.
The AFJ 800 EcoMist with a flow rate of 800 m3/hr is a universal device. The device has remote power control. The device is equipped with a HEPA filter.
If it is necessary to place our ECOMIST device next to the machine, it is possible to retrofit the device with a telescopic holder. The support is telescopic with a plate that anchors to the ground.
AJF series
The AFJ series is one of the leading wet extraction systems. The devices have absolutely unrivalled filters, which have a filtration area of more than 20 m2. The vertical positioning of the filters allows for very fast oil separation from the filter, thus guaranteeing a long filter life. The devices have a very robust design and enormous performance and are therefore suitable for the most complex processes, central systems or extraction of several machines at the same time. The devices are called tower structures, where these devices are installed next to the machine and connected by piping.
AFJ 2000
The AFJ 2,000 extraction system already contains 3 filters and can handle multiple machines at the same time.
AFJ 6000
AFJ 6 000 extraction system with a flow rate of up to 6 500 m3/hr. It consists of 9 filters in total.
AFJ 8000
Extraction system AFJ 8 000 with a flow rate of up to 8 500 m3/hr. It consists of 12 filters in total.
For flows greater than 10 000 m3/hr we prepare individual projects. We always consult the customer’s needs, take the required dimensions of the hall and machines and prepare a 3D visualization with the proposed solution based on this information.